Gerbil Blog for Twin Squeaks

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

One Of The Reasons Hope Was So Special

As I posted recently, our beloved gerbil Hope passed away at the end of January. She was over four years old.

Last night, I ran across this video that I took of Hope last fall. You can see that she walked a little bit awkward because of the arthritis in her hips, but she still really enjoyed coming out of the tank for playtime.

What I really like about this video, though, is that it shows Hope hopping off the couch onto my leg, where she perched on my knee and watched TV with me. Hope loved to do this, and she'd spend a lot of time hanging out with me on the couch.

I really love older gerbils, because they get very mellow and friendly as they age. Hope, though, was very special and was the friendliest gerbil I've ever known.


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