Ask The Gerbils

Hallie and Smurf are happy to answer your questions about taking care of, playing with, taming, or getting to know your gerbils. However, if you have questions about breeding or gerbil babies, you should ask an experienced breeder, not Hallie and Smurf. For breeding questions, please see the American Gerbil Society or a site such as the Gerbil Breeding & Development page.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Hi Hallie,

My gerbil Pip has lost loads of weight, and he won't eat even his favourite treat (sunflower seeds).

I have checked his teeth, and they seen fine to me except a tiny chip in one of his lower teeth.

He is 2 1/2 years old i have heard that gerbils live only for 3-5 years.



Hi Elle,

It sounds like Pip really isn’t feeling well. When a gerbil stops eating, something is wrong.

The best thing you can do is try to find a vet who treats gerbils. He or she will be able to examine Pip and find out if he has an infection that makes it hard to breath, if he has a stomach ache, etc.

Depending on what is wrong, the vet may be able to give Pip some medicine.

Good luck! I hope that you can get some help for Pip and that he starts feeling better!

Your friend,
