Ask The Gerbils

Hallie and Smurf are happy to answer your questions about taking care of, playing with, taming, or getting to know your gerbils. However, if you have questions about breeding or gerbil babies, you should ask an experienced breeder, not Hallie and Smurf. For breeding questions, please see the American Gerbil Society or a site such as the Gerbil Breeding & Development page.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Hi Nellie!

I have heard about giving gerbils dust baths. So I found some at the pet store and bought it. I have a dish to put it in, but they don't take it. All they do is lick it.

I am worried that they don't know how to do it. Do they? I have been putting the dish in their cage for about 5 to 10 minutes every day for about three weeks.

Thank you,


Hi A.,

Thanks for writing! Not all gerbils will use a dust bath, but most of us will!

It can take us a while to figure out what to do with the sand or dust. Almost all gerbils will first lick or chew on the sand before they roll in it, so that's okay that your gerbils do this. :)

You might try sprinkling a little bit of dust on their backs while they're standing in the bowl. Sometimes, a gerbil will shake to get the sand off his or her back, and that will prompt them to start rolling.

Most gerbils will take a sandbath, but some just don't. Here at Twin Squeaks, we have just one gerbil who doesn't take sand baths. His name is Buster. His tankmate Gobo loves to take sand baths. But Buster just sits in the bowl and looks around.

Try to sprinkle some dust on your gerbils' backs while they're standing in the bowl. That might help. Good luck!

Your pal,