Ask The Gerbils

Hallie and Smurf are happy to answer your questions about taking care of, playing with, taming, or getting to know your gerbils. However, if you have questions about breeding or gerbil babies, you should ask an experienced breeder, not Hallie and Smurf. For breeding questions, please see the American Gerbil Society or a site such as the Gerbil Breeding & Development page.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Dear Nellie,

Every time I touch my gerbil, it bites me. I got it a few days ago. What do I do?


- E.

Dear E.,

Thanks for writing! Remember that your gerbil is in a new home and probably still feels a little bit scared.

You can find some ideas for taming your gerbil on our Web site. Try the ideas and see which ones work best for your gerbil.

  • Hand-Tame Your Gerbils — These tips will help your gerbil get used to you.

  • How To Pick Up A Gerbil — These tips will help you learn how to pick up your gerbil without scaring him or her. If your gerbil continues to bite, try using a plastic cup, as suggested at the end of this tip.

  • Use Your Bathtub As A Gerbil Playground — If your parents are willing to let you sit in a dry bathtub with your gerbil, this is a good way to let your gerbil have fun and learn to trust you.

Finally, make sure that you don't have any food on your fingers, or your gerbil might try “tasting” your fingers. Also, if your gerbil bites when you try to pick him or her up, just wait. Let your gerbil get comfortable taking treats from your hand. Once your gerbil feels safer with you, you can try again.

I hope one of these tips help! Good luck!

Your friend,

- Nellie