Ask The Gerbils

Hallie and Smurf are happy to answer your questions about taking care of, playing with, taming, or getting to know your gerbils. However, if you have questions about breeding or gerbil babies, you should ask an experienced breeder, not Hallie and Smurf. For breeding questions, please see the American Gerbil Society or a site such as the Gerbil Breeding & Development page.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Dear Nellie,

We have had a male gerbil for over a year, and we want to adopt a friend for him.

How do we choose a proper friend? Our gerbil, Nibbles, is a very inquisitive, friendly gerbil who loves to be held and played with.

Do two males live well together?

- E.

Dear E.,

The easiest type of gerbil to introduce to an adult male is a young male gerbil. If you can find an American Gerbil Society breeder who lives close to you, the breeder can help you choose a gerbil that is young and likely to make a good friend for your gerbil. The younger the gerbil, the better the chances that Nibbles will get along with him.

You will also want to do a split-cage introduction, because gerbils won't get along unless you introduce them the right way. If you don't want to build a big split tank yourself, you can also buy a great little split cage from Jo at Black Wolf Clan Gerbils.

Just remember that it is important that Nibbles and your new male gerbil pup are introduced with the split-cage method so that they do not hurt each other.

Good luck! I'm sure that Nibbles will be very happy to have a friend! :)

Your friend,
- Nellie